Petition to Stop Child Executions

Stop The Executions of Minors - Sign the petition today!

Monday, November 10, 2008

In Islamic countries ruled by Sharia Law -

Women are covered from head to toe, not allowed to leave their homes without permission from their husbands, and not allowed in public without a male relative.

In court disputes under Sharia, the testimony of a women is worth only half that of a man. By their law women are only allowed to receive half the inheritance a man would be given. If they do manage to get away from an abusive husband they are not allowed to keep their children EVER and receive no compensation or assistance.

Women are not allowed to drive, travel, divorce an abusive husband, or seek medical help from male doctors.
If they become a victim of rape, they are punished by lashing or by death. Chastity Law violations under Sharia cover too many things to list and often result in execution. Many times no real crime was committed at all; but made up by religious police to make an example of someone, or by abusive husbands or other male family members.

It's not uncommon for women to be forced into unwanted marriages at very young ages - if they refuse or run away, the family is then "dishonored". The same is true of women who refuse the veil or other traditional Islamic clothing. We know honor killings take place in every country in the world - even in the United States.

Basically - Women are only a step above slavery under Sharia.

Homosexuals, or anyone they "deemed" to be so,
people that leave Islam for any reason ("Apostates"), those who criticize Islam, or offend them (anything from a cartoon to a book or movie, to dogs, and too many more to list) are executed or assassinated - within their Islamic countries OR outside them - even if the offenders are children.

Muslims are demanding that our free societies recognize Sharia Law in OUR countries. This has already happened in many European countries, most recently in Britain,
supposedly only to used for civil disputes.

At the same time, however, Islam has also demanded that local police stay out of Muslim communities, a demand which has been met in many other European countries. The result is that Britain has had it's first Muslim by Muslim "execution" in Liverpool recently. Have their been others? Probably ...

NOW in the US, the state of Minnesota is considering allowing parts of Sharia, just like Britain.

Islam tries to present itself as the religion of peace -
Well, I am certain there are Muslims who truly wish to get away from Sharia Law. Those who want to emigrate to the west, assimilate; to live and worship freely
without Sharia in their lives. I applaud and welcome them. They are amazing and brave people!

So, that said, ~ How dare we allow this menace to assert itself in the west; in ANY form; both for ourselves as well as for those who come to escape it.

The question this blog asks is ....
Where is the outrage, and protest of violent Islamic Sharia Law around the world from the millions of so-called "moderate Muslims"?

If they truly want to separate themselves from "radicals", I invite them to join us as well. They need to speak out! I maintain that THOSE individuals will have most power to remove the cancer of radical Islam from
all society

Moderate Muslims - if you exist,

are you up to the challenge?

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