This three-part series from the ACLJ, a Christian organization, is interesting to hear. It stems from the introduction of the Defamation of Religion articles being introduced to the United Nations. I do agree with ACLJ's interpretation of what will most likely happen should this pass.
If you are a Christian, or if you are another religion that believes strongly that all religion should be left to the individual, and not regulated by governing bodies, you will want to give a listen to what the ACLJ has to say, and perhaps take part in their petition to oppose this legislation in the UN, and other world community bodies.
Since the leader of the Anglican church in England has taken sides with Islam on this and many other issues (I am dumbfounded as to WHY), I think that organizations that oppose much legislation with Islamic backing like this SHOULD be supported by you and I - and all the citizens of the world.
No one religion should be allowed ANY say over how other religions are treated in the world - everyone has the right choose their religion, and speak about that choice, and even SHARE those beliefs with others without fear.
Please let's not give Islam ANY more incentive or legal avenues to enforce their "no tolerance of other faiths" policies in the world.I believe that supporting ACL, and other organization them, is positive, no matter what your personal beliefs are - if we all want to keep the freedom to practice those beliefs -
Christians * Jews * Hindus * Atheists * Moderate Muslims * Buddhists *
and ALL others Too many to list)
Let's all stand together to preserve our basic right to believe as we wish without persecution.